# usermods.form

title {
  Modify a user account

field {
  id       = LOGIN
  label    = Login name
  len      = 8
  type     = STRING
  required = YES
  list_cmd = command:single-val:awk -F : '{ print $1,$5 }' /etc/passwd | sort
field {
  id       = NEW_LOGIN
  label    = New login name
  len      = 8
  type     = STRING
  option   = -l
field {
  id       = COMMENT
  label    = New comment
  len      = 20
  type     = STRING
  hscroll  = YES
  option   = -c'
field {
  id       = HOME_DIR
  label    = New home directory
  len      = 20
  type     = STRING
  option   = -d
field {
  id       = UID
  label    = New numeric user ID
  type     = NUMERIC
  len      = 5
  option   = -u
field {
  id       = NON_UNIQUE
  label    = Allow non-unique UID
  type     = BOOLEAN
  htab     = 1
  option   = -o
field {
  id       = GROUP
  label    = New initial login group
  len      = 12
  type     = STRING
  hscroll  = YES
  option   = -g
  list_cmd = command:single-val:cut -d : -f 1 /etc/group | sort
field {
  id       = GROUPS
  label    = Supplementary groups
  len      = 20
  type     = STRING
  hscroll  = YES
  option   = -G
  list_cmd = command:multi-val:cut -d : -f 1 /etc/group | sort
  list_sep = ","
field {
  id       = APPEND
  label    = Add the user to these supplemental group(s)
  type     = BOOLEAN
  htab     = 1
  option   = -a
field {
  id       = SHELL
  label    = New login shell
  len      = 15
  type     = STRING
  hscroll  = YES
  option   = -s
  list_cmd = command:single-val:cat /etc/shells |grep -v ^# | sort
field {
  id       = EXPIRE_DATE
  label    = Date when account will be disabled (YYYY-MM-DD)
  len      = 10
  type     = STRING
  option   = -e
  list_cmd = command:single-val:date -d '+180 days' "+%Y-%m-%d : 3 months ahead"
field {
  id       = INACTIVE
  label    = Days account is disabled after pwd expiration
  len      = 3
  type     = NUMERIC
  option   = -f
  list_cmd = const:single-val:"0 : Disables the account as soon as the password has expired","-1 : Never inactives"
field {
  id       = PASSWD
  label    = New password (encrypted as returned by crypt(1))
  len      = 10
  type     = STRING
  hscroll  = YES
  option   = -p
field {
  id       = LOCK
  label    = Lock the user's password
  type     = BOOLEAN
  vtab     = 1
  option   = -L
field {
  id       = UNLOCK
  label    = Unlock the user's password
  type     = BOOLEAN
  option   = -U

action {