ccfe-plugin-config - CCFE plugin sample: CCFE configuration file editor

This plugin add the shortcut "config" to CCFE, so it can be invoked with the
command "ccfe config".
With this plugin you can intercatively edit

- CCFE Global configuration files
  (usually /etc/ccfe/ccfe.conf) and optionally Fn keys labels definitions in
  CCFE messages file (usually /usr/share/ccfe/msg/C/msg).

- CCFE User private configuration files

To see your configuration changes, you have to exit from CCFE and run it again.
You can also use this plugin to configure CCFE instances.

- Field initialization by init{} block.
- Notifications of errors detected during form initiaization.
- init{} block checks that user has correct access permissions to configuration
  files before post form to edit them.
- Parameters passing from menu to form (so it needs CCFE >= 1.57)
- Parameters passing from form to form
- Dynamic forms:
    Form changes if user requested Fn keys label editing
    Form changes if user edit a new configuration file
    Form changes if user edit a private configuration file
- Example of forms containing informational text.
- Example of dynamic form separators.

- Comments embedded in lines are not supported.
- Terminal-dependent settings are not supported.

- This plugin is a beta release.
- Before change a configuration file, this plugin backup it with extension
- Until CCFE 1.56, default global configuration file includes some
  terminal-dependent settings, so you can edit it by setting the field
  "Ignore terminal-dependent settings reading file" to "YES".
- If you create a private CCFE configuration, to load it you need to
  add or change the "load_user_objects" parameter to "YES" in the
  /etc/ccfe/ccfe.conf file. Please see ccfe.conf(5) manpage.

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute copies of
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING in your
system's documentation directory (usually /usr/share/doc/ccfe-plugin-config/).

  config.menu              : CCFE configuration type selector.
  config.d/README          : This file.
  config.d/ask_fname.form  : Configuration file name selector.
  config.d/config.form     : Configuration file editor.
  config.d/chlbls.sh       : Change Fn keys labels in message defnition file.
  config.d/attributes.list : List of admitted screen attributes.
  config.d/fn_key.list     : List of functions assignable to fn keys.
  config.d/log_level.list  : List of admitted log levels.